Amazon/Kindle now offers amateur authors the opportunity to publish their books in paperback form. After talking with other authors...
The Hat and the Fish
While Bill and Ben were reading the manuscript for content and style, Tory van Wey, graphic artist, was reading it to get a sense of what...
Editorial Feedback
This week I received detailed editorial feedback from my amazing editing team -- my two sons. You can probably imagine that this is a...
Kindle Direct Publishing
Amazon offers amateur authors like me the ability to self-publish their work using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). This is a...
Waiting for Feedback
I completed the first copy of the manuscript of Norton the Third around the beginning of March, 2017 -- after working on and fiddling...
One of My Favorite Scenes
One of my favorite scenes in Norton The Third involves one of these. No, I'm not going to explain.
First Draft is Complete!
Woo hoo! At about 2:00 this afternoon, I finished the first draft of the Norton The Third manuscript. The main body of the novel is about...
Home Stretch
Writing the original manuscript is suddenly on the home stretch. Ever since I picked up Norton The Third again after being laid off from...
Schedule Update: Publish in April
The writing work on Norton The Third continues to go well. I have some days when I get stuck on something (such as a plot problem, or...
Alternate History of a Different Sort
Norton The Third can be described as an "alternate history" (AH) story. In its world, one tiny thing went wrong somewhere in the past,...