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 ABOUT THE Author: 

Mark Bowles is a software architect and executive, as well as a lifelong theater nerd. For over a half a century, has been working on the same yet-unpublished novel: Norton The Third.


Born in Rockford, Illinois in the late '40s, he attended the University of Michigan and was awarded a B.S. in Computer Science in 1969.  After graduating, he moved to San Francisco to seek his fortune, and if you're willing to consider a suitably limited definition of fortune, had achieved his goal when in late 2016, his latest Silicon Valley endeavor set him free. In 1995, Stanford University granted him a M.S. in Management after he spent a year as a Sloan Fellow in the Graduate School of Business.


Being retired, therefore no longer having a vocation that pays better than fiction writing, he has once again taken up the elusive Norton novel.  In the years and decades since he began this journey, self-publishing was invented and perfected. There is no longer any doubt that if he can just finish the damned thing, it will, at least, be published.


This is expected to happen in early 2017.

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